Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Feed 2 violets project
Violets project is when she starts to look at other weird things at stores. They cant create a profile for her and she starts to get lesions and she knows what its like to not have the feed. it says that she doesn't care what happens to her if anything does happen shes saying she doesn't care.No i do not know anyone like her, but i no people that do random stuff that would care what would happen if they did something stupid. It says that he thinks she is doing the wrong thing, and thinks that she should stop and he doesnt know why she is doing this.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
persepolis 1
4.Persepolis is organized and structured by like having the same things being talked about at the same time or at the same part in the story instead of talking about one thing then go on about something else. She emphasized that people are controlling and that young children cant do what they want and people have to fallow the rules other wise they will get executed. Its presented that everyone must follow the rules other wise they will get sent to jail or prison. Her drawings describe everything of whats going on and it helps people understand whats going on because sometimes its hard to understand what is going on if you just read it and not look at the pictures. They add to the story because the people who don't understand the story, or don't understand the text they have something to look at that describes what's going on in the story.
8. The author explores that people cant do what they want. She also explains that people cant do what they would like because that would be breaking the law. The fact that there are so many laws, and that women have to be completely covered up with the veil, you cant dress the way u want to. other things that prevent people from being fully free is that they have to be careful of what they do like when marji and her grandmother go into the house and dump out the wine and alcohol so the officers don't take them t jail, and they cant party because they had to do it in secret. They live normally in their houses and when they are in their homes, some of the women don't wear the veil. they also live normally by still doing what they want with out trying to get caught.
15. The relationship she is suggesting between past and present is that the amount of control people have over the other people hasn't changed. They show her what to do and what not to do. like if u have to hide from security and the police then thats what you have to do. they also tell her to believe in what you want to believe in.
Persepolis 2
2. I believe that persepolis would not have been as powerful if it had been fictionalized. I believe that if someone lives through something, i believe that if they make up what had happened or if they change what happened then its not real anymore and its just a story. The benefits are that you get to here some ones story but if they don't tell the truth of what happened then u don't understand what happened.
5. The writers voice goes with the story.If the story gets intense then she makes it seem like something is really going on. if the story is soft, and nothing is going on, then she has a calm attitude. Yes, i do believe that the authors voice is appealing. I like her when she gets defensive, because when she argues with someone she has good points and knows how to defend what she believes. The part i like the least is when she gets sad or starts to cry. i don't like this because she acts to much like a little kid. My reaction to the little girl did not affect my reading of the story.
9. They did this by still being themselves and not trying to be the same. They did there own thing. I think i would have done the same because people should do what they want, and not be controlled on what they do. I think that if u want to do something, you should do it and not be held back because its something u like, you should be able to do what u want. I did what i wanted to no matter what my mom said. If she didn't let me do anything, i didn't anyways because i wanted to do it and wanted to try it.
Monday, May 18, 2009
my feed (poster)
My feed is about me and what i like, and what I am interested in. The things that you see on my feed because these are the things i enjoy the most. Also, many of these things are what i have, or do during my free time. I enjoy dancing very much. I have been dancing for the past 7 years. I also enjoy the sport of volleyball. I have been playing that for the past 6 years. I also enjoy music, and going to concerts. I also enjoy shopping very much. If you don't see me doing homework, or school work, then I am most likely doing the things that u see on my feed. These things would also go through my feed because it is pretty much my life, and what i like to do. i also like to be with my friends and have fun. I also like to be with my family, and have fun with them also.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
visual essay(feed)

Techonolgy is growing very fast. i chose to write about technology because it has such a huge impact on your life's. A big screen TV or a plasma, why do we need a tv that is so big? Are we that blind, or do we just want it to be cool, or have the best TV in the world. Wht does it matter if we have the best TV?
There is a picture of an escalator well two of them with only one stair case. Americans are becoming so lazy that there are two escalators and one stair case, when there should be two steps of stairs and one escalator so people get some exercise.
Ipods are the most popular music player. Why are there so many different kinds when only one should be enough. What is the purpose?, again is it so that we have the best music player out there so we can impress our friends because we have the coolest player?
Why are the latest things so important? Why do we buy things that we dont need? Why are we soo ammused by thing that we dont? And why dont we ask our selves do i really need thins or do i want it just because it looks cool?
these are all questions we should ask ourselves.
visiual essay
Sunday, April 26, 2009
feed 1
The first sentence sets up the story by saying that this is what they do on their free time. This also tells us that they might possibly go there alot. This could also mean that this is their first time going and that they didn't like it. This sentence also may set up the rest of the story by saying they go to the moon and explain everything about it and that they never come back down to earth. Also when they are up there they could not talk about the moon, instead they talk about their life on earth, like their friends, school, home, and other things. It may also set up the story that this is all they do because they are the out casts at their school, and this is all they have to do. They might also go to the moon because were they live on earth, is to boring, so they come to the moon because there is more interesting things to do on the earth.
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