Techonolgy is growing very fast. i chose to write about technology because it has such a huge impact on your life's. A big screen TV or a plasma, why do we need a tv that is so big? Are we that blind, or do we just want it to be cool, or have the best TV in the world. Wht does it matter if we have the best TV?
There is a picture of an escalator well two of them with only one stair case. Americans are becoming so lazy that there are two escalators and one stair case, when there should be two steps of stairs and one escalator so people get some exercise.
Ipods are the most popular music player. Why are there so many different kinds when only one should be enough. What is the purpose?, again is it so that we have the best music player out there so we can impress our friends because we have the coolest player?
Why are the latest things so important? Why do we buy things that we dont need? Why are we soo ammused by thing that we dont? And why dont we ask our selves do i really need thins or do i want it just because it looks cool?
these are all questions we should ask ourselves.
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